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Brand story

Giving dessert a new look;

Offbeat stylists with family love – Baking Fun


    You can’t make an entire meal out of dessert, so why do welove dessert so much? We love it because it relaxes people and puts them in agood mood. Have a think, ‘People need clothes, the Buddha needs gold’. Thesister and brother think that desserts are delicious, but the packaging is stylizedand featureless. Therefore, they wanted to use packaging to make bakingproducts become more valuable and interesting. Thus, Baking Fun wasestablished.


They have humble beginnings and are proudthat they have become offbeat stylists in the baking industry.

Five years ago, the siblings decided to movefrom the food raw materials supplier to the retail industry. Their shop is quitedifferent from general retail shops. Younger brother Liu Tingjia said: "Ifthe ingredients are good, but the packaging is not, it won’t create an appetiteand desire to ‘taste’; if the packaging is not textured, it will not stimulateconsumers' desire to purchase”. Baking Fun has introduced various new bakingelements from Japan, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom,Taiwan, and China so that baking fans can find good products. It is like aboutique brand for baking and packaging. The siblings have becomethe baking industry's offbeat packaging stylists!


    Liu Tingjia went on to say: "Many packaging materials arethe public version of store products, with no features; the concept of Baking Funis to ignite the flame of happiness through the heat of baking by looking for exquisitebaking packaging materials from around the world. The festive packaging is a starproduct of Baking Fun."

    The number of participants in the bakingindustry is numberless as the sand – innumerable in Taiwan. If you want tostand out, you need a wide vision and ambition. Packaging materials from allover the world have various cultures and aesthetics. They can combine theculture of "packaging" and "local", which not only expandsthe original framework but allows customers to perceive the value of theproducts. By taking a different path, the Baking Fun has become a unique brandin the baking industry.



Get out of the O2O market and synchronize online and offline

    The first physical store of Baking Fun is located in Tainan. Thestore has wooden decor and soft music, which sets it apart from other stores.The display of colorful materials makes people feels like they are strollingthrough a stylish, cultural, and creative store.

    By combining the “real” and the virtual,the brand will ensure its longevity. After opening a second store in TainanCity, Liu Tingjia set up the brand's official website for selling its ownproducts. The website also provides services such as baking and baking agencies.In addition to reducing rental costs, the website offers 24-hour uninterruptedservice! Virtual stores can expand the customer base while increasing salesvolume. Upon the integration of online shopping and offline physical stores,the brand became more complete and the customer received a wider-rangingexperience.

    The website is very attractive tocustomers. A group of Singaporeans was so impressed by the official website of BakingFun that they flew to Taiwan and found more goods to love in the physicalstore! The virtual and the physical stores support each other, so the brand canattract customers anywhere, both in Taiwan and abroad.


Transmit health with baking, love with warmth

Blood is thicker than water. The sister and brother, in additionto striving to manage their brand, are concerned about whether the brand provideshappiness, deliciousness, and health! To that end, Baking Fun does not usematerials such as chemical ingredients; instead, it uses natural ingredients fromTaiwan. A baked treat can bring sweetness to the mouth, happiness to the heart,and health to the entire body. This is the ultimate goal of Baking Fun.

Singaporeans from overseas were enthusiastic about Baking Fun.

Singaporeans travel to the physical storefront of South Taiwan'sBaking Fun.

Thecolourful interior of Baking Fun.