◍ 商品若有瑕疵需退換,需保留商品出貨時所有相關文件及完整包裝,否則不予受理。
◍ 商品若有寄錯需退換,需保留商品出貨時所有相關文件及完整包裝,否則不予受理。
◍ 依據消費者保護法第19條規定,線上購物網站消費者均享有商品到貨七天猶豫期,店家將提供您享有商品到貨次日起七天隨時解約退貨之權益,
◍ 本企業社所販賣之商品或服務有下列情形之一者,屬消費者保護法第19條第1項但書所稱合理例外情事者,將排除本法第19條第1項解除權之適用:
(1) 易於腐敗、保存期限較短或解約時即將逾期之生鮮、食品或物品
◍ 依消費者保護法施行細則第17條規定:「消費者因檢查之必要或因不可歸責於自己之事由,致其收受之商品有毀損、滅失或變更者,
(1) 在不影響您檢查商品下,將商品包裝毀損、封條移除、吊牌拆除、貼膠移除或標籤拆除等情形
◍ 消費者保護法是保障消費者避免收到瑕疵商品,若是以下理由要求退換貨,視同破壞雙方購物約定
◍ 商品皆有材質及尺寸等相關說明,且為實品拍攝〈已儘量避免色差〉
﹝International﹞ Returnand Refund application
◍ To avoid misunderstands, Baking Fun suggests customers to make a video recording when opening the package. The video must show clearly the unopened package, the opening process, products and packing list. Any damage caused by misuse of users shall not be accepted. Customers need ot contact us within 7 days via email with the video attached, in order for refund or return application to be accepted.
◍ International shipping may cause scratches, dents, deformation, dampness orunusual smell of the outer packaging. The above conditions will not count asthe product being faulty, as usage is not affected.
◍ Please contact us via email in order to apply for return or refund.If you are not sure if the conditions are met or not, please also contact us,we will coordinate with you.
◍ Before returning, please contact us and reach an agreement first. Baking Fun will not accept the return or refund application if products are returned without coordination. Customers need to pay the freight before re-shipment.
◍ If you wish to return the products, the goods need to be unused withcomplete packing, and must include any accessories or gifts. Also include thepacking list we sent out. Please pack carefully when returning. If the product isdamaged badly during the return shipment, this may affect your returning rightsand interests.
◍ Baking Fun currently accepts NTD only. The exchange rates of national currencies are based on the exchange rate and the relevant regulations of the bank that issued your credit card. In the case of return and refund, Baking Fun will use NTD to apply for a refund to your credit card issuer. The amount of local currency you receive will be accordance to the actual bank exchange date. There might be exchange difference due to the currency rate fluctuations.